
Address information

Le Conche
SS16 Adriatica, 71
76124 Trani

Lat: 41.258978 / Long: 16.459258
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


Rocks beach, very secluded, with pine grove. There are two ways to reach the place: 1)the fastest way is to get from the entrance in SS16 Adriatica, 71, that would be the first(going south) entrance after Pizzeria Pulcinella, walking toward the sea, on the left there is a bar, go through the cut fence, walk and go downstrairs.
2)Leave the car close to Spiaggia Matinelle, go to the beach and walk to the right, at the and there are stairs that bring to a an unpaved walk, more panoramic and it's easier to find parking.


  • London 1335 Miles / 19:17


  • Open all year


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming

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