
Naaktstrand Gaasperplas

Address information

Naaktstrand Gaasperplas
Parkgasperplass 1108
1108 Amsterdam

Lat: 52.310887 / Long: 4.989295
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


The Gaasperplas is situated between the built up area of Amsterdam south-east and the small Riviera known as Gaasp and has an area of 166 hectare. The lake exists through the quarrying of sand used to build the Bijlmermeer. On the southern side of the lake are recreational beaches with swimming areas. The section for naturism (officially since 2005) lays on the northern side.

The nudist beach has only laying meadows and no sand beaches. Although the nudist beach is situated on the waterside it is not an official swimming area. There are no facilities available on the nudist beach..


  • London 332 Miles / 05:56


  • Lake
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Accessible by bike

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Naaktstrand Gaasperplas

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Only 1km from Gaasper Camping and car park on bike or on foot.
A popular, safe and picturesque spot with great swimming in the lake.
Terry & Val | 07-09-2022
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