
Playa Largu


Average rating of 2 (Dutch) reviews.

Address information

Playa Largu

Lat: 12.235621 / Long: -69.100630
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • Open all year


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Paid beach
  • Accessible by car

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Playa Largu

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the only access road now has a locked gate. We managed to get through it because some tourists on the other side could not figure out how to get out, gave us the code and we opened it for them. Once we got in we would have had to go around someone's back yard at which point we decided it wasn't worth it.

Much as I enjoy being naked at the beach Curação isn't the place for it. Lot's of other great stuff though
Cornelius Conboy | 04-02-2020

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