
Darsser Weststrand

Address information

Darsser Weststrand

Lat: 54.443646 / Long: 12.479806
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • London 718 Miles / 11:43


  • Authorized beach


  • Sea
  • Accessible by bike

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Darsser Weststrand

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This is a wonderful beach. It can only be reached on foot or by bicycle either from Ahrenshoop in the south or through the Darss forest, most easily from Prerow. There are no facilities on the beach. It's clothing optional all the way.

The beach can be windy, and is not very deep, but because it is long and thre are relatively few people making the trip by bike to one of the 3 or 4 beach entrances, it's easy to get away from the crowds.

The sea is good for swimming if you are careful - there are no life guards of course.
Danny D | 24-09-2019
More reviews by Danny D (18)

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