
Caleta Mojon and Caleta del Mojon Blanco


Average rating from last 2 reviews

Address information

Caleta Mojon and Caleta del Mojon Blanco

Lat: 29.204620 / Long: -13.424233
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Small coves with white sand and contrasting black lava frequented by naturists. Take the LZ1 north out of Arrietta signed to Orzola and after a long sweeping left bend, look out for parking areas on the left. Take care crossing the road to reach the beaches.


  • Open all year


  • Sea
  • Accessible by car

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Caleta Mojon and Caleta del Mojon Blanco

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Lovely, a number of loosely connected coves with a fair amount of soft white sand...the lava does dominate though and restricts entry to the sea. There are ways in to the water and a number of rock pools to cool off in can be reached but you will need something on your feet. As in Fuerteventura there are plenty of lava holes that people have built to protect from the wind. All in all very peaceful and easily accessible from the road...there are a number of pull ins alongside the other side of the Orzola road. Not very many people around during our visits, but those we did see were overwhelming naturist.
Will | 28-10-2019
More reviews by Will (11)
Usually there are few people on these beaches but nudism seems to be accepted. Great scenery of contrasting white sandy beach and dunes against the deep black lava rock
Ian | 22-08-2019
More reviews by Ian (2)

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