


Average rating from last 2 reviews

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Lat: 50.683255 / Long: -3.196737
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  • London 168 Miles / 03:20

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Westonmouth

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Weston Mouth is a beautiful almost secluded beach that is reached by a long track approximately a mile long from either Weston village, there is small free car park, or the Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary (well worth a visit) Be warned that the track is downhill to the beach which has amazing views, but is a long uphill climb back (great for fitness) Because of this it is never busy even in the height of the summer season.
For those wanting to try naturism for the first time or those just wanting a nice quiet hassle free day on the beach it is perfect. When I have been there, which is quite often, you very rarely get anyone within fifty plus yards of either side of yourself. The beach itself is very wide and affords some gorgeous views towards Sidmouth and Beer. The naturists tend to go to the right of the beach, but no one seems that bothered where you strip off, everyone seems quite amicable either way.
It is mainly a pebble/shingle beach and if you fancy a dip in the sea it does shelve rapidly once in.
Please note there are no facilities nearby, although there is the Cafe at the Donkey Sanctuary beforehand.
Steve Johnson | 14-06-2021
Bit of a climb but well worth it
Peter Connolly | 30-07-2019
More reviews by Peter Connolly (2)

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