
Kenfig Burrows aka Sker Beach


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Kenfig Burrows aka Sker Beach

Lat: 51.514053 / Long: -3.753278
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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Kenfig Burrows aka Sker Beach

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Lovely sunny day at sker beach today. It's been two years since Tina, Marie an I were here last. A lot of people about which you don't normally see down here. We walked down to the waters edge and started walking in the direction of Port Talbot. After a short walk we stripped off to ours shorts and put our cloths in to our back packs and continued our walk along the shore line. Both Tina and Marie were topless. People we meet along the we're very friendly. Eventually we reached the part of the beach where we feel most comfortable, we could tell by seeing other naked beach users. We settled down on the beach just in front of the sandunes and put or shorts with the rest of our cloths. After some sun bathing, we walked down to the sea for a dip and cooled off. We swam and chatted for a while with a nice young couple, who we would love to meet up with again soon, they were great fun. When we came out of the sea, we had no towels to dry with. So we went for a good walk along the beach and in to the sandunes. All in all we had a good day and loved most of the other people we meet. Special thanks to Colin, Toby, Harry and Lisa for playing.
Robert | 03-06-2024
Love this beach so much. Go there as often as poossible in the warmer weather with my wife and sometimes our good friend Marian. We usually stash all of our clothes and belongings up in the scrub/bushes near the pond and walk naked down through the dunes and then onto the beach. We usually walk the full lengh of the beach, if we have time we walk past the river outlet and as far along Morfa beach as we can. Sometimes we have the beach to ourselves, some days in the summer at weekends it is a bit busier, but that is a relative term as its such a big beach. Sometimes we see some other naturists, usually pass a number of textiles but they pretty much ignore us. Its an amazing beach, the perfect place to walk and swim naked, and we all love being naked and 45 - 60 mins walk away from our clothes stash. Beautiful location.
Dan | 07-05-2024
More reviews by Dan (3)
I have visited Sker on many occasions including today- 9/9/23
It was foggy but very humid, as such it reduced the numbers, but for the better.
It tends to be a male dominated domain, but today there were many more couples, all of whom were happy to pass the time of day. What was pleasing were the number of younger couples throwing off their inhibitions.
I use my mountain bike to get to and from the beach- the long way round NOT through the Bridleways. It is far quicker, even when the sandy paths mean I have to dismount and push.
If you use the Nature Reserve Car Parks it costs £2-£4 now but well worth it
Nick | 09-09-2023
Photos (1)
First time going nude at a beach and felt so liberating, amazing, cant wait to go again, there were a few couples but mainly singles. Beautiful long golden beach which I walked from the river to the lifeguard hut with just my rucksack on trying to be a little more discreet when passing textile beach users but had no problems what so ever, amazing day, amazing place
Phil | 13-06-2023
This is one of my favourite beaches for nude bathing and swimming.
I've walked virtually the full length nude with my dog and provided your considerate to the occasional textile you might meet never had a problem.
Dave 57 | 14-08-2022
Recently discovered this beach and loved how huge and quiet it is. Went a little way down but would go further next time. Was my first experience going nude and I loved it. Saw one other person walking around nude which helped give me the confidence to do it!
NC | 09-08-2022
First time going nude on a beach and it was so exhilarating. Fairly quiet so it was an easy break in. A few walkers, people fishing and they didn't bat an eyelid. Walked most of the way down the beach with just my rucksack on and I felt so alive. Will definitely be visiting again.
Paul | 11-07-2022
Really enjoyed my visit to Sker Beach today, i walked from Sker Point to the river and back in just my walking boots. One textile guy came past on his bike but aparr from that, i was all alone untill i got bsck to Sker point where there were some surfers. Well worth the initial walk to the beach
Rob | 27-06-2022
More reviews by Rob (2)
This was the first time I have ever tried going nude in public and I absolutely loved it.
The beach was extremely quiet apart from a few dog walkers.
I am going again this Friday if anyone is interested?
Rich, 41
Rich | 14-06-2022
Beautiful and was very busy I found more people in the dunes opposite the sinking ship and some in little self made huts on the way to the sinking ship mixed amount of people and clearly very popular directions So you arrive to the car park and you walk down past the building follow the path for 5minutes then you come to point 5 where you can cut right through the grass for 10 min and come out by point 10 continue walking for 5min and you to the “cross paths” turn right towards the steel works down the track for 15minutes past point 15 and you will see a gate with a sign “sheepshading “advertisement on it continue to the next gate and bang your in the centre of it walk to the beach and get nude. There were about 40 people in total 3men to 1woman few couples. It’s clear the nudists are towards the top and I had an eye opener further towards the steel works in the dunes but all eventful and nice people. I would say the walk takes 35min take plenty of water on a nice day.
Gjones | 05-09-2021
Quite a walk from the car park at the nature reserve, but it was worth it. We turned right when we reached the lifeguard hut and walked about a mile along the beach in line with the pebble ridge.
There were quite a few couples and single men there, all unclothed and it was so nice to lie in the sun.
Unfortunately we got lost walking back to the car park through the dunes, so it took us a while.
Sharon Tyner | 18-07-2021
Had a relaxing couple of hours here yesterday.only a few people there and only less than ten walking on the beach
jeffrey thomas williams | 20-05-2021

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