
Culver Beach aka Yaverland

Address information

Culver Beach aka Yaverland

Lat: 50.664524 / Long: -1.123411
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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Culver Beach aka Yaverland

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The naturist section is at the far end of Yaverland beach, beyond the red cliffs. When the tide is out, the sands are amongst the best in the UK and as it shelves gently, super safe. On a summers day, there may be 15-20 folk getting an all over tan. Mainly guys but occasionally couples. It’s normal to use the upper level, which is small pebbles, for both privacy and also because the incoming tide - especially during Springs - comes high up. At low tide, it’s great to walk across the warm sand for a swim but be aware that many walk the stretch of the beach and may be surprised to encounter nudity. Generally no one raises and eyebrow and it’s all fine. At high tide, this section of the beach can be cut off for a few hours, giving total privacy. The red cliffs are dangerous and there are regular falls. As such, one should avoid walking close to them and wait until at least half tide. The nearest facilities are a mile away back at the car park with a cafe and toilets.
John Vincent | 11-03-2021
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