
Cefn Sidan aka Pembrey Beach and Walk


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Cefn Sidan aka Pembrey Beach and Walk

Lat: 51.677201 / Long: -4.314592
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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Cefn Sidan aka Pembrey Beach and Walk

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It's no good for naturism now the dunes all washed the price of getting into the park,it's 7pounds and you have to pay on the way out at a parking station means getting out of you're car and put in the car registration and price comes up on screen,they have done someone out of work,what Carmarthen Council have gained by this is debatable.I for one will not go there again,so lost a customer ,for years the narrow minded Carmarthenshire council wanted to stop naturists using the beach which unfortunately they own,looks like they succeeded .July 2021
Mr Darcy | 24-06-2022
Hell of a walk from the car parks, turn right on the beach about 2 miles to rock outcrop/old breakwater. signs warn 'No beach nudity!!' Dunes now eroded and impassible, all overgrown- so no walks through or hideaway spots any more, all on the beach which is storm bound and strewn with rubbish, deserted the last few times visited. At low water if you want a swim it's almost half way out the Bristol channel. Fishermen and textiles about and worry about leaving your clothes and valuables so far from the water's edge. It is no good any more, pity
Dunehunter | 12-07-2020
More reviews by Dunehunter (3)

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