
Blackgang Beach

Address information

Blackgang Beach

Lat: 50.581235 / Long: -1.308574
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  • London 99 Miles / 03:03

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Blackgang Beach

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It’s certainly a private spot, mainly because it’s so hard to get too. A narrow path down from the car park on the Old Blackgang Road, winds its way around and through the undercliff. If wet, it can be very slippery and care needs to be taken. The climb back up is a slog and not easy. The beach itself is made up of very fine golden stones which are comfortable to lay on. Care needs to be taken with vulnerable and soft cliffs that can see regular rock falls. The beach shelves deeply and there are strong currents so swimming is only advisable for those confident in their abilities. On a hot day, it’s a popular spot and because of its location, has an ‘anything goes’ vibe. The beach stretches for miles allowing those who like to ‘play’ plenty of privacy but don’t be surprised to see all sorts of goings on from the unabashed or exhibtionist!
John Vincent | 11-03-2021
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