


Average rating from last 2 reviews

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Lat: 28.713442 / Long: -13.842189
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This has got to be our best naturist experience for some time having sampled the beaches of Corralejo, El Cotillo and Sotoventa over the past week. Corralejo is the most user friendly of all with a nice mix of couples and families, only just off the road with a walk of only 100 metres to bring you to the waters edge. Best place to park is just as FV1 starts to go inland around the protected dunes. The naturist beaches are fully visible from the road but no one seems to be bothered, you are also interspersed with some textiles, but that is the nice thing about all these beaches...everybody just gets on with their own thing, it’s a lovely atmosphere. Try and get one of the sand filled ‘bunker’ holes made of volcanic rocks for protection against the wind...we managed to on most days. Beach is lovely to walk along, but watch the waves, they can be big and there is an undertow.


  • Open all year


  • Authorized beach
  • Only for day recreation


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Supervision of swimmers
  • Suitable for children
  • Accessible by car
  • Accessible by bike
  • Accessible by public transportation

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Corralejo

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Stunning beaches abound in Fuerteventura, you find it difficult to define where beach and desert begin. Corraljo is perhaps the best but it is a matter of can walk naked for at least a couple of miles from the parking area on the main road but the naturist area is quite ill defined, you almost feel you can be naked straight from your car! (See pictures) Lovely beach and sea but it is true that the water is often carrying quite a swell and undertow on a steeply shelving beach but guards are on duty. Real mix of naturist and textile which takes a bit of getting used to, but no one seems bothered either way. Not crowded when we were there in September, but you can only get there by parking on the road which in itself restricts the numbers on the beach. Nearest large car park is at the hotels about 4 miles to the north which is a fair trek.
Will | 08-02-2019
More reviews by Will (11)
Brilliant beach. We are staying in playa Blanca on lanzarote and took the ferry across to corallejo. Planning to do a road trip we stopped and parked on the side of the road just before it bends left and drops down to the sea. We then spent virtually the whole day there and even walked back naked across the dunes almost as far as the road. Personally I like the way naturist and textile beach users coexist really well on all the canarian beaches and on corallejo this means you can walk for what feels like miles without worrying.
Roger | 13-03-2018

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