


Average rating from last 3 reviews

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Lat: 37.736063 / Long: 20.900717
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  • London 1806 Miles / 06:18

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Kalamaki

We are also curious about your experiences with Kalamaki. Please let us know!
Dont park your vehicle after the Cave bar.
Somebody destroyd my quad down at the beach.
Park at The Crystal Hotell and walk this few houndred meters isnstead.
Swedecoupla | 27-09-2023
More reviews by Swedecoupla (2)
It was fine but some people stil had there bating suites on and there were not a lot of people
Timon | 14-08-2023
Nice beache whit sand and rocks
Bp | 02-07-2023
More reviews by Bp (2)

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