
Playa Cantarrijan

Address information

Playa Cantarrijan

Lat: 36.736030 / Long: -3.774634
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  • London 1387 Miles / 20:08

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Playa Cantarrijan

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This is a beautiful twin-cove beach which catches the sun from mid morning to late eve. Its accessible by car and in the high season a shuttle bus runs from a top car park down the 1.5km twisty descent. The first beach is a mixed clientele. You can get gawpers, especially as some local nature trails end here. On my visit there were more walkers sitting in the two restaurants than nudists on the beach. Everyone seemed very cool about it I think because the beach is well known. I counted about a dozen groups who dared to bare, friendly but not inclined to long conversation. Singles, couples, families, different nationalities and ages. It was early April and very quiet. The second beach is fully naturist only, but the access was cut off by the heavy waves as you need to negotiate some jagged rocks. The breeze was welcome. Sea cool and clear. The staff in the bars were helpful. The food was great. You had to cover up to eat. I'd definitely come again. In the summer it is very busy apparently. There were sun loungers but no shades and no actual shade so make sure you have plenty of lotion.

I had a lovely week on the Costa del Sol and spent time every day at Cantarrijan. It's a lovely beach. There was much more activity at the back end of high season. On Sunday the beach was rammed with people, extremely full. This didn't bother me. It was though extremely mixed with a lot of sun worshippers in bathing suits. The rest of the week was quieter. The beach is particularly empty in the mornings and gets busier as the day progresses with peak time about 3 - 4pm. There were plenty of nationalities there and the atmosphere is very relaxed and calm. On busy days (Fri, Sat, Sun) there is a souvenir stall and a massage stand. Unlike my pre-season visit, parasols and loungers were in full evidence. The price for a sun lounger in 6 euros. You can have drinks delivered from the bars. The second beach was definitely for nudists only. Although it is more of a suntrap, it is also hard on the feet as the ground is stony. The main mixed beach is not so harsh on the feet.
Christopher Stacey | 02-04-2022

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