
Address information

Ligharies Beach

Lat: 39.181718 / Long: 23.444284
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Ligharies can be reached on foot but it is quite a walk.

It is, however, easily reached by car and it is possible to drive right up to the sand. Head to Troulos and fork right towards Asselinos. After 2km continue up into the hills rather than fork left to Asselinos Beach. Continue past the dog sanctuary and Little Asselinos beach. After heading inland for a while you will cross a small stream. Turn left immediately afterwards and follow the track through another stream until you reach a fork in the road. Head left here & you will reach Ligharies.

There are a few sunbeds on the beach but the right hand end is often frequented by naturists. There is also a taverna set about 70 metres back from the beach.


  • London 1836 Miles / 05:13

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