
Corton Beach


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Address information

Corton Beach

Lat: 52.505556 / Long: 1.752718
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  • London 145 Miles / 02:35

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Corton Beach

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Lovely, however, nudist beach is for laying in the sun, why do theas men walk up and down staring at the women, wish they would walk 20 paces from you, not right past us........ ????
Trev | 19-05-2022
Easy access and free parking! How often do you hear that about naturist beaches?
Ok, Corton may not be the prettiest of naturist spots but the majority of naturists who use it (and I count myself as one!) are friendly and well behaved. The beach is course sand and shingle and of course its on the east coast so it gets windy. Take a big brolly, wind break or beach tent or hunker down aside one of the grassy tufts if you want a bit of shelter. Corton is very open, a long stretch of beach heading north from Gunton Warren. No dunes. no facilities.

Park in the car park of the now de-funked Ditch Farm Pitch n Putt Golf (free) then walk across Corton Road and down a fairly steep tarmac pathway, know locally as Tramps Alley. at the sea wall turn left (north) and walk about 150m. there are currently no signs but you'll be in the naturist area.
Be aware, the beach is popular with fishermen and dog walkers. Both are on the shoreline whilst the naturists tend to park up nearer the sea wall. Nothing to stop us walking to the sea and the brave ones will tip in for a skinny dip (not me!) As usual, mutual respect between naturists and textiles works best. Plenty of space for all.

Corton is not normally too busy in the week but can get popular on warm summer weekends.
Freddie Silver | 05-11-2019

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