


Average rating from last 2 reviews

Address information

Located between Kathara & Anthony Quinn beach
85100 Faliraki

Lat: 36.197790 / Long: 28.126790
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At the edge of Faliraki resort lies the nudist beach, also known locally with the name "Mandomata”

One of the quietest beaches of Faliraki. A unique gulf with natural beauty, remarkable golden sand, protected by the surrounding heights that nature has provided, which encapsulate the beach. The beach is organised with umbrellas, sun-loungers, showers, WC and a canteen for food and beverages.


  • Authorized beach


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Suitable for children
  • Accessible by car
  • Accessible by bike
  • Accessible by public transportation
  • Toilet facilities
  • Showers
  • Sale of food and drinks

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Faliraki

We are also curious about your experiences with Faliraki. Please let us know!
Went there last September for the first time and enjoyed was great and it is nice that there is a shop/bar right in the place, needed a drink after a hour or so lying on the beach sunning my self.will Go back there next time we can travel.stay safe everyone and enjoy the sun ????
philip westwood | 20-06-2021
More reviews by philip westwood (3)
Visited the official nudist beach on Rhodes at Mandomata (Faliraki) today....exceeded our expectations in many ways. Lovely atmosphere with decent sun loungers for hire at 5€ a day, real mix of nationalities and ages with a majority of couples. The beach is well supervised with two clean toilet blocks and a bar/cafe serving a good range of decent food and Amstel on draught! The beer served in ice cold tankards to take to your spot on the beach...lots of other beverages if you’re driving. This beach had a poor reputation about ten to fifteen years ago but as far as we could see that has been put right. My wife was more than happy to go naked without hesitation as there were many women throughout the beach. Buoys keep the curious pleasure boats at a reasonable distance (but what is a reasonable distance with modern cameras?) matter they are no threat. We will pay another visit (at least one) before we leave.
Will. | 15-10-2018
More reviews by Will. (11)
%100 Nudist beach. Sun beds & Umbrellas can be hired
gokay | 28-12-2013

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