
Plage de Sainte Barbe


Average rating from last 2 reviews

This location is no longer for FKK/naturists

Address information

Plage de Sainte Barbe

Lat: 47.602431 / Long: -3.155217
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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Plage de Sainte Barbe

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There is a small section of this beach for naturalists up from the main entrance to the beach but not as far as the area where the wind surfers are. The beach is nice enough but there will be lots of people walking past you so if this is not your thing head somewhere else.

Nice beach though.
JJ | 18-07-2022
More reviews by JJ (3)
You are better off heading up a bit further to
as there are more naturists and the section available for naturists is much larger and nicer.
John | 18-07-2022
More reviews by John (3)

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