
Plage des Lays


Average rating from last 2 reviews

Address information

Plage des Lays

Lat: 46.857141 / Long: -2.146725
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  • London 526 Miles / 09:11

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Plage des Lays

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Update this year.....a lot more naturists to be seen, predominantly couples. Still lots of space, the naturist area has expanded and now starts just a couple of hundred metres from the Paree Grollier car park. Still a delightful place with walking possible for around a kilometre.
Peace....quiet and lots of space
Will | 05-08-2019
More reviews by Will (11)
Still super! Huge beach, very quiet, nothing to detract from enjoying a great naturist experience. Enjoyed searching for sea glass and lovely walks.
Will | 16-08-2018
More reviews by Will (11)
Plenty of naturists around when we visited late July 2014. Lots of dunes behind the beach with one or two "observers" but not intrusive. Lovely open beach.
Crinkly63 | 15-03-2015
More reviews by Crinkly63 (11)
We were only people amd several people were staring!
Darren Hosany | 31-10-2014

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