
Playa de Caleta del Congrio


Average rating from last 2 reviews

Address information

Playa de Caleta del Congrio
Caleta del Congrio / Lanzarote

Lat: 28.841186 / Long: -13.785254
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  • Authorized beach


  • Sea
  • Accessible by car
  • Accessible by public transportation

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Playa de Caleta del Congrio

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Beautiful long sandy beach. On the day I visited, all users were nude - as was I. Small beach beyond headland to the south. Unsure if the tide might close this beach at times, but worth a visit. Many stone windbreaks but no winds on the day I visited. I walked there along the path above the other beaches accessed from Playa Blanca. Aware of a car park nearby for access via the national park. Despite that all visitors to the beach were nude.
Finlay | 01-03-2022
The Beach is on a 3 minutes walk from the parking place. I visited the beach several times and each time it was not very crowded. Apart from the places arranged with stones on the beach, in the rocky shore you can find a more secluded place where you can find your privacy. The beach is located near Papagayo, and this makes quite a few curious people pass through the area.
Robert | 26-08-2020
I had the most beautiful experience in my life - Swimming naked feeling free to walk naked along the beach ...we were all naked like mother nature made us.
Joe | 23-09-2012

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