
Playa Famara


Average rating from last 2 reviews

Address information

Playa Famara
Famara / Lanzarote

Lat: 29.125099 / Long: -13.538310
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Northwest near Teguise.


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Suitable for children
  • Accessible by car

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Playa Famara

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The Northen half of this long sandy beach (just past the holiday village) is used by naturists but has been sparsly populated whenever we have visited. The sea can be very tricky with rip tides being common. The beach is a great place to walk naked though.
Ian | 14-08-2019
More reviews by Ian (2)
Once you have walked past the last buildings most people on the beach have been nude whenever we've been here. You can walk nude for a long way north from here. The sea can be rough at times, at other times it is fairly calm, but bear in mind it is known as a surfers beach. There are rock shelters at the back of the beach if it gets windy where it is comfortable to sunbathe nude.
Nik | 08-01-2019
More reviews by Nik (3)

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