
Address information

Playa Honda

Lat: 28.945143 / Long: -13.602362
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This beach is next to Arrecife airport. Beach is sand all the way to the sea. There are stones circles (zoccos) that provide privacy. Directions: Walk right from the far car park at Playa Honda or walk left from the furthest car park in Matagorda.

A naturist beach both for families and singles. Flat sand. Safe swimming in the sea. Private areas in the stoned walled parts are good on windy days. No facilities.

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Playa Honda

We are also curious about your experiences with Playa Honda. Please let us know!
love being naked, but felt very alone , not many on the beach. a lot a walkers next to the airport families....
john | 18-08-2015

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