
Sandy Bay

Address information

Sandy Bay

Lat: -34.023196 / Long: 18.331536
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Sandy Bay beach is the only beach in the Western Cape where it is considered acceptable to tan and bathe completely naked (water is cold all year round so bathing is not very popular). Situated just south of Llandudno (in Cape Town) Sandy Bay is known for its beautiful white sandy beach and comprises of a number of beaches inter-spaced with large granite slab. The jagged peaks of the Twelve Apostles mountain range forms a stunning backdrop to this beautiful beach. The surf can also be quite spectacular, when the sea swells are large there is a great beach break.

Getting to Sandy Bay
There is no instant access to Sandy Bay. The easiest way is to park at Llandudno and then take the flat walk south for about 15 to 20 minutes. Wooded walkways have been built in some places to protect the vegetation and make things easier for visitors.


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming

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