
Playa De Los Muertos - Naturist Beach


Average rating of 2 (Dutch) reviews.

Address information

Playa De Los Muertos - Naturist Beach
10 km to the South of Carboneras

Lat: 36.932742 / Long: -1.891022
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A must-visit beach. Very beautiful natural resort. Wide and clean. Covered with small pebbles giving it crystal clear water. Not easily accessible: you leave your vehicle 800 meters away by the road, and you get down from the hill on foot--forget of using anything with wheels like bicycle or baby carrier on the narrow and rocky trail. The descent takes about 15 min, but beach is worth the effort.

The beach got its name--The Beach of the Dead--in old times because of special kind of sea currents here leaving bodies of unfortunate sailors on the beach.

Make sure to take water and all the essential things with you. Check it before you start down the trail because there is not any kiosk or bar on the beach. Don't forget to clean after yourself when you leave.


  • London 1397 Miles / 20:32


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Suitable for children
  • Paid parking

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