
Boomgaardcamping Hermitage

Address information

Boomgaardcamping Hermitage
Groeneweg 1
4356 CH Oostkapelle
06 53 22 01 39

Lat: 51.571715 / Long: 3.527029
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • London 244 Miles / 05:07


  • 1 April until 30 September


  • No INF / AANR card required
  • Area for tents
  • Area for caravans
  • Area for campers
  • Area (ha): 2
  • Number of places: 17
  • All spots have electricity
  • WIFI / internet free


  • Fridge / freezer for communal use
  • Sea

Food & Drink

  • Communal meals (one or multiple times a week)


  • Dutch spoken
  • English spoken
  • German spoken
  • French spoken
  • Singles welcome
  • Pets allowed
  • Suitable for children

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Boomgaardcamping Hermitage

We are also curious about your experiences with Boomgaardcamping Hermitage. Please let us know!
When we arrived at Hermitage, we were told it would be fully booked two days later. However, because we only have a small tent, we could stay at one of the absent owners’ lot as long as we would reposition our pegs somewhat to stay below the legal limit of 6 square meters.
So far so good. Except, this promise had been premature we were later told because…….

After more than 25 years membership of INF/NFN, having lived on a naturist club for 4 years, after being a club committee member for several years, we were ……. EXPELLED from Hermitage BECAUSE THEY DID NOT CONSIDER US TRUE NATURISTS !!!

Our inexcusable behavior: the first day my wife laid down in front of the tent …….. with underwear and a T-shirt! (It was 18-19 degrees that day and our tent was in the shade).
The second day we were out all day. But, if they haven’t seen your wife’s breasts after two days it means your family (husband and wife with two your children) is no longer welcome at Hermitage. And it is not worth any discussion either; not even a simple “what’s going on” or anything.

The interpretation of the term Naturism by a crowd like Hermitage to me is nothing short of perverted. As a convinced naturist I experience Hermitage to be a total insult, not only because we were told to go, but also due to the obscene (ab)use of the wonderful phenomena that Naturism is, of should be.

In short, if you feel Naturism is nothing but dropping your pants in front of others, if you enjoy being watched any minute of the day, if you believe tolerance and respect have absolutely nothing to do with Naturism, then Hermitage is the place to be. Make sure you parade your naked body in front of the owners regularly to avoid being sent away.

If, on the other hand, you believe respect is integral part of Naturism, if you want to feel free instead of watched, STAY AWAY FROM HERMITAGE !!!

RobL, Culemborg
RobL | 20-08-2014
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