
Sport- und FKK-Verein Herzsprung

Address information

Sport- und FKK-Verein Herzsprung
16278 Herzsprung, Stadt Angermünde
+49 (0)3331/ 24036

Lat: 52.971826 / Long: 13.984651
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • London 742 Miles / 12:00


  • Open all year


  • Area (ha): 8
  • Cars on separate parking


  • Sauna
  • Lake (suitable for swimming)

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Sport- und FKK-Verein Herzsprung

We are also curious about your experiences with Sport- und FKK-Verein Herzsprung. Please let us know!
Excellent camp site for a cycle tour with good facilities, especially the clubhouse for wet weather shelter, and the lake is great to swim in.
Steve | 03-06-2017
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