
Szigetmonostor, Naturista Park

Address information

Szigetmonostor, Naturista Park
Gyumolcsos kert 1.
H-2015 near Budapest (29 km)

Lat: 47.696945 / Long: 19.104500
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


all of year, sauna, lake, sport, restaurant. Appartman, tent, caravan (rentable)


  • London 1102 Miles / 17:32


  • INF / AANR card required
  • Only for day recreation
  • Area (ha): 0,7
  • Rental accommodations
  • Cars on separate parking


  • Sauna
  • Children's swimming pool
  • Lake (suitable for swimming)

Food & Drink

  • Restaurant

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Szigetmonostor, Naturista Park

We are also curious about your experiences with Szigetmonostor, Naturista Park. Please let us know!
Nice and beautiful and really quiet place. There are a lot of cultured people.
Gabriel | 23-02-2020
Gays are still not welcome (even they make no display of it), and Jobbik-issue still valid in 2015, so I would not recommend it for anyone who is not straight-white-Hungarian and/or not a fan of Jobbik-type ideologies.
Peter | 13-03-2016
More reviews by Peter (3)
Small & homphopic (meaning that not only openly gay behavior is not welcome, but no gay persons are wanted). Owner is proud head of local branch of neonazi Jobbik party, relevant flag was on display at site.
Katherine | 30-12-2012

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