
Terrassencamping Pesenthein

Address information

Terrassencamping Pesenthein
Pesenthein 19
A-9872 Millstatt

Lat: 46.795961 / Long: 13.597168
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • London 894 Miles / 13:45


  • Area (ha): 5
  • Number of places: 220
  • Rental accommodations
  • Adapted toilets for disabled


  • Lake (suitable for swimming)

Food & Drink

  • Restaurant


  • Pets allowed

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Terrassencamping Pesenthein

We are also curious about your experiences with Terrassencamping Pesenthein. Please let us know!
This shared ACSI textile/naturist site has fantastic views from your van over the lake and into the mountains with the busier Naturist part at the top of the site giving the best vista.
Fantastic bike ride on car free dedicated trails and paths around the lake (30km in total).
Also a bargain as we paid 19e per night due to the out of high season ACSI rates.
Sanitary block in the Naturist section is not as palatial as the textile block, but not far to walk anyway.
A steep road leads to the Naturist section.
Terry & val | 01-07-2016
More reviews by Terry & val (27)

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