
Château de Féreyrolles Naturiste: Camping & Bungalows

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Address information

Château de Féreyrolles Naturiste: Camping & Bungalows
1242 impasse de Féreyrolles
30430 St. Privat de Champclos
04 66 24 51 64

Lat: 44.269400 / Long: 4.367200
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


On 8 hectares, this naturist campsite with about a hundred sites will delight lovers of wild nature and infinite spaces.
Aficionados of tents or rental accommodation, everyone will find what they are looking for.
The Château de Fereyrolles campsite is bordered by the Cèze river, which offers exceptional swimming areas.
Camping du Château de Fereyrolles is a simple and friendly family campsite that offers the essentials for a pleasant stay.
The emphasis is on the quality of the site and its preservation.
The flora is composed of holm oaks, scented scrubland, thyme and juniper.
The surrounding forest is full of original hiking trails.

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Opinions and experiences of visitors with Château de Féreyrolles Naturiste: Camping & Bungalows

We are also curious about your experiences with Château de Féreyrolles Naturiste: Camping & Bungalows. Please let us know!
We have been visiting this campsite every year for the last eight years. If you are looking for a “back to nature”stay in beautiful sourroundings then look no further. The campsite is at the foot of a gorge beside the river Ceze. No internet except in the small restaurant, and limited mobile signal :)
Facilities are basic but spotless, and Joel and Katy are welcoming and work hard to ensure that everything is as it should be.
The “cabanons” or wooden bungalows are probably 50 years old now, and showing their age, but we love to stay in them.
Steve Walll | 02-06-2019

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