
Oakwood Club

Address information

Oakwood Club
MN 55416-2906 Minneapolis
(651) 353-1062

Lat: 44.946519 / Long: -93.343929
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • Area for tents
  • Area for caravans
  • Area for campers


  • English spoken

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Oakwood Club

We are also curious about your experiences with Oakwood Club. Please let us know!
We spent last labor day weekend there and could not be more impressed! We have camped all over the states and Canada and have never felt more welcome. While not nudists I quickly felt comfortable but my wife could not bring her self to undress but nobody seemed bothered by that . Go you won't be disappointed!
James Haigh | 18-06-2018

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