

Address information


Lat: 52.685282 / Long: 4.771073
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • London 359 Miles / 06:53


  • Lake
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Suitable for children
  • Accessible by car
  • Accessible by bike
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Toilet facilities

Photos from visitors

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Geestmerambacht

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We stayed in one of the holiday homes on the park opposite and went over the road to this lovely lake a few times during our stay. The naturist zone is on a little peninsula about a quarter of a mile at about nine o'clock if you arrive at the 6 o'clock position from the entrance. It can be quite busy near the entrance, but if you walk to the naturist part it is quieter. There are many people who cycle round the lake.

The nude area is a mix of trees, bushes and lawns, and it is easy to get into the water to swim. We were a mixed party (two adults, two teenage children, and a mix of nude and non-nude) and found it a pleasant place to spend a few hours. Swimming is very good - the water is soft and refreshing in the heat of the summer.

Some of the reviews mention a lot of single men coming and going, and although we didn't notice that, it wasn't the perfectly chilled, relaxed feeling that there is on, say, Dutch FKK seaside beaches.

The photo shows the lake, looking from about 12 o'clock - the naturist peninsular is in the distance, slightly to the right.
Danny D | 17-03-2019
More reviews by Danny D (18)

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