
Address information

Meschendorfer Weg
18230 Rostock

Lat: 54.115271 / Long: 11.623325
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


FKK beach


  • London 677 Miles / 11:07


  • Authorized beach


  • Sea
  • Suitable for swimming
  • Suitable for children
  • Accessible by car
  • Accessible by bike

Photos from visitors

Opinions and experiences of visitors with Rerik

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This feels quite a remote beach. We walked to it along the shore from Rerik town beach, and it's about 1.6km north east from the pier. The beach is not as sandy and pleasant as in town - there are more stones and shingle, and more seaweed is washed up here. But it's a reasonable place to spend time sunbathing and swimming in the Baltic. There is plenty of space, and when we were there, a mixed ghroup of beach users - families, couples, singles.
Danny D | 22-03-2019
More reviews by Danny D (18)

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