
Elias beach

Address information

Elias beach

Lat: 39.167902 / Long: 23.409866
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Elias beach is the next beach along from Mandraki and is a good option for nude sunbathing. The right side of the beach is almost exclusively naturist and there is also a beach taverna. Amazingly, this beach is never crowded - even in high season - and, at over 500 metres long, there is plenty of space available. The track to Elias is just past that to Mandraki but parking is 100 metres or so from the beach at the end of a boardwalk. Both Mandraki & Elias tend to get a bit windy especially in the afternoons during July and August (often quite a welcome relief from the high temperatures!)

Elias beach can also be reached easily on foot. From bus stop 23 follow the concrete track past the Caravos Hotel. Continue through the pine woods - a very pleasant walk - until you emerge on to a dirt track. Turn left for Mandraki or right for Elias.


  • London 1838 Miles / 05:11


  • Open all year


  • Authorized beach


  • Sea

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