
Reviews by Maurice van der Velden

Whiteford Sands

Parking is easy at Llanmadoc. At the small junction by the church, take the right-hand lane and park in the field with the honesty box.
Turn right out of the car park and follow the signs to the beach - once off the lane, there is a sign to the right - only follow that if you want to walk along the 'marshy' side. Best to carry straight on instead and reach the beach more quickly.
You will then have a long walk along a nice, sandy beach. Go past the cast iron lighthouse until you come to sand dunes that are fairly flat. On a weekday in August, there were a lot of families along the beach and in the dunes. Once near the flatter dunes, there are very few people and, whilst I was there, no families and no children.
Whiteford Sands is really only for sunbathing as the sea can be very far out, although at high tide, it's great for paddling and cooling off in the shallows.
Whilst I was there, just two older, single men were sunbathing near me. They did wander over quite a few times and chatted, which I don't mind at all.
A pleasant experience for nude sunbathing, without swimming. The 'round trip' is a good 3-4 miles.

Whiteford Sands

I managed one further visit, in September 2020, before lockdown and thoroughly enjoyed myself - being almost alone on the huge expanse of beach for the whole time.
The only others I saw were a couple (clothed) and a single man on the flattish sand dunes just past the lighthouse. He stripped off when he saw me and turned out to be a very chatty and extremely friendly guy. I saw no-one else at all! Quite amazing considering the size of the beach.
A most pleasant interlude and I very much look forward to travelling there again.
Just decided ... will be popping down today (30th March) at around lunchtime as it's the first sunny day where travelling within Wales is permitted. See you there!!

Marros Beach and Walk and Telpyn Beach

Returned to Marros Beach in early August on a sunny weekend.
Some families were in the centre part of the beach - right next to the pathway back to Marros Church. It is a very long beach and by going to the right, I was easily far enough away to be able to strip naked in the certain knowledge that they wouldn't be able to see.
There is so much space that I was able to wander about at will in the nude without any clothed people seeing me. The sea was lovely to swim in. Just bliss!
There were 7 or 8 other naturists (giving them the benefit of the doubt) in the same area. All middle-aged or older men. All singles. Every one of them came to chat to me at some stage and seemed happy for me to pass the time of day with them as I wandered about.
Another very enjoyable day and I heartily recommend this beach.

Marros Beach and Walk and Telpyn Beach

Although quite a walk from the car park at Marros Church - 20 minutes or so down to the beach and 30 minutes back (uphill) - this is a beautiful beach with masses of space and very few people.
I visited on a sunny weekday in late July 2020 and had most of the beach to myself, so could wander about as nature intended as well as swim in the sea. The sea slopes very gently and is an easy place to swim.
I turned right once on the beach and settled by the cliffs - but not too close as there is a danger of some rockfalls.
During my 5-6 hour stay, there were only 3 or 4 single men nearby (no couples) and none of those were the slightest bother, although one or two did wander across to say 'hello' and have a good look.
All in all, a very pleasant experience and one I'd be happy to repeat. It was a bit of a slog back to the car, so only carry essentials!!
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